Winner of DSK's New Year Giveaway!

Happy New Year!

I give my best wishes to everyone, and I hope 2011 brings a lot of new adventures for all of you!

I am giving away this very Everything Bracelet I made especially for New Years to one of my most loyal customer and reader Julie P. from Denver, Colorado.

Julie has got to be the kindest, and sweetest person I have met through my jewelry. She's extremely thoughtful and words really cannot express how grateful I am to have met her through my craft. She's become a great friend. ::*teary-eyed moment*::
She's sent me so many wonderful, and thoughtful cards in times when I needed it most. I was so shocked to find a kindhearted card from her after my Grandpa passed away in 2010. Thank you Julie. You really have made my life better. :)

She's beautiful inside and out! (I will snag one of her FB photos after she finds out about this post and if she gives me the ok lol). yay!! She gave me the ok :)

I'd like you to meet Julie from Denver :)
I've never been to Denver, but Minh was born in Denver, CO and still has family out there.
Minh's cousin owns a lounge out there called Zen Ultra Lounge, I believe formerly DC-10.
Are any of other of my readers from Denver? Has anyone been there? lol I'm just curious. I've never met Minh's cousins from Denver before. :D I'd love to learn more about Denver, and Colorado for sure!

I hope to visit one day and meet Julie too!
Isn't she gorgeous? I love her beautiful blue eyes, and that smile!
Julie has the coolest last name ever, but I don't want to post her full name online. lol
But trust me, she has the vest last name ever! It's so memorable :)

Julie writes,

I hope this Lucky Clover Everything Bracelets brings even more luck to you this 2011!
Also, please congratulate Julie on her recent engagement!
(I'm such a Facebook stalker, but I wanted to give her and her fiance Cisco a nice shout out at the DSK Jewelry blog.)

Julie & Cisco Newly Engaged!


Minh and I wish you and your fiance a very Happy 2011!

I feel like everyone's getting engaged lately, tis a very good thing :)

Please e-mail me when you see this post Julie!

Julie's Lucky Clover Everything Bracelet
7" .925 Italian Sterling Heart Link Chain
Crystallized Swarovski
Engraved Sterling DSK Tag
*Gift for Julie*

Happy New Year!

I leave you with a video I shot of the fireworks at the Space Needle in Seattle from my condo.

I look forward to next year's show already!
Happy 2011 everyone!


DSK Steph

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