Feature: Korea Spree-Asmama Bracelet/Anklet Collection #1

Right Click on Image to select 'Open Link in New Window' :
꽈배기꽃 잎팔찌
USD7.50/ RM26.91
하트체인 발찌
USD7.50/ RM26.91

흑경팔찌 셋트
USD18.75/ RM67.26
진주파우 더팔찌
USD10.00/ RM35.87

슬림쥴란체 인팔찌
USD15.00/ RM53.81
파리의거리 팔찌
USD10.00/ RM35.87

진주체인볼 륨팔찌
USD12.38/ RM44.39
구슬체인리 본팔찌
USD7.50/ RM26.91

페레**st 샤이닝팔찌
USD17.50/ RM62.78
연분홍 진주팔찌
USD12.38/ RM44.39

럭셜 웨이 브라인팔찌
USD18.75/ RM67.26
컬러볼 하트팔찌
USD18.75/ RM67.26

사각오닉스 교차팔찌
USD17.50/ RM62.78
프린세스진 주체인팔찌
USD15.00/ RM53.81

쥬*st멀티하 트링팔찌(Set)
USD18.75/ RM67.26
럭스삼단큐빅 라운드팔찌
USD18.75/ RM67.26

트위스트라 인컬러팔찌
USD11.25/ RM40.36
투톤워터 클립팔찌
USD10.00/ RM35.87

쥬*st양면 멀티참팔찌
USD12.50/ RM44.84
디*st러브 걸팔찌
USD12.50/ RM44.84

【sexy】 코브라팔찌-L
USD7.50/ RM26.91
클럽st투버 튼패션 찡팔찌
USD8.75/ RM31.39

통가죽뱅글 팔찌[L]
USD7.50/ RM26.91
USD10.00/ RM35.87

투명슈가 팔찌
USD12.38/ RM44.39
프린세스진 주체인팔찌
USD15.00/ RM53.81
For 12 pages of RINGS Collection on Asmama, please visit HERE.
For more feature on Asmama products, visit our Spree Blog: ASMAMA SPREE.

Feature: Korea Spree-Asmama Rings Collection #1

Right Click on Image to select 'Open Link in New Window' :
체인달랑 이슬R
USD5.00/ RM17.94
플라워하 모니R
USD7.50/ RM26.91

비비ORB 링R
USD12.38/ RM44.39
사랑의서 약R
USD8.75/ RM31.39

러블리 윙R
USD7.50/ RM26.91
별쏟아지 다R
USD10.00/ RM35.87

로맨틱꽃 송이R
USD12.38/ RM44.39
수줍은사 랑R
USD10.00/ RM35.87

USD8.75/ RM31.39
파도물결R (애끼용)
USD8.13/ RM29.15

샤이니st 날개R
USD15.00/ RM53.81
크로스큐 빅파티R (애끼)
USD17.50/ RM62.78

낙엽월계 수R (2size)
USD6.88/ RM24.66
하트달랑 리본R [애끼용]
USD7.50/ RM26.91

♡/노다메 st루비하 트R
USD15.00/ RM53.81
┏럭셜┓반쪽 크라운R
USD18.75/ RM67.26
For 12 pages of RINGS Collection on Asmama, please visit HERE.
For more feature on Asmama products, visit our Spree Blog: ASMAMA SPREE.

How is it on a model?

I like the visitors in my studio who makes the photos with my jewelry on. As a rule, they ask my permission to do so, and I'm always glad to see them modeling my beadworks. Sometimes in my turn, I ask them to pose and the answers are positive. Here is a sample: Dorothy from Maryland modeling my Phoenix Firebird Necklace. How is it on Dorothy? I think, it's a nice view!

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Feature: Korea Spree-Asmama Necklaces: STYLISH Collection #1

Right Click on Image to select 'Open Link in New Window' :
USD12.38/ RM44.39
아중st 해바라기 원석N
USD12.50/ RM44.84

엔틱나 침반N
USD10.00/ RM35.87
S라인 미녀N
USD12.38/ RM44.39

엔틱무 비N
USD8.13/ RM29.15
앨리스의 버닛카드N
USD8.75/ RM31.39

강희st엔 틱열매 와[5]N
USD8.75/ RM31.39
버닛상자 속동화N
USD8.75/ RM31.39

클래식투 명회중시 계N
USD20.00/ RM71.75
이상한나 라의앨리 스N
USD17.50/ RM62.78

♡/ 판자개 하트N
USD15.00/ RM53.81
USD20.00/ RM71.75

멀티블 랙비즈 라인[†]N
USD16.25/ RM58.30
USD8.75/ RM31.39

투링투 러브N
USD11.25/ RM40.36
쥬*st메텔 하트♥큐 빅라인♥
USD18.75/ RM67.26

For 12 pages of STYLISH NECKLACE Collection on Asmama, please visit HERE.
For more feature on Asmama products, visit our Spree Blog: ASMAMA SPREE.

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