New Year Countdown - New Year Layouts

Dear Friends,

Each moment in a day has its own value.
Morning brings HOPE,
Afternoon brings FAITH,
Evening brings LOVE,
Night brings REST,
Hope you will have all of them everyday.

Diva's Admin

SOLD OUT: Sparkling Diamond Star Earrings & Necklace

^Sparkling Diamond Star Earrings
~Made in Korea~
Retail Price: RM24.50
Our Price: RM20.70 ($6.09 USD)*
Code: A02700188

^Sparkling Diamond Star Necklace
~Made in Korea~
Retail Price: RM17.95
Our Price: RM15.00 ($4.42 USD)*
Code: B3000013
Color: Silver only


Dear Friends,

May your Christmas sparkle with moments of Love, Laughter and Goodwill,
And may the year ahead be full of Contentment and Joy.
Have a

Diva's Admin

CZ means Cubic Zirconia

It sounds like you claim to keep silence, "CCCCCCCC..." This sound reminds you of a bee buzz, "ZZZZZZZZZ..." If you put this letters together, it will be something strange, "CZ". Let's open Wikipedia for "CZ", and the first result returns you "Cubic Zirconia". We read, "Cubic Zirconia (or CZ) is the cubic crystalline form of zirconium dioxide. The synthesized material is hard, optically flawless and usually colorless, but may be made in a variety of different colors. It should not be confused with zircon, which is a zirconium silicate. Because of its low cost, durability, and close visual likeness to diamond, synthetic cubic zirconia has remained the most gemologically and economically important competitor for diamonds since 1976."

To tell the truth, I knew about Cubic Zirconia, but haven't tried those "diamondy" beauties until I received Cubic Zirconia Beads from Artbeads.com. They have a beautiful choice of CZs of any kind: beads, pendants, teardrops and so on. I decided to use faceted teardrops in my design.

According my idea, the necklace should have been pretty light and elegant, to wear for any occasion, and I added Amethyst, Garnet, Peridot, Olivine and Yellow CZ Faceted Teardrop Pendants to the main chain made using amethyst faceted round beads, seed beads and peridot chips. I wish I have wider CZ pendants color range, but for now it's fine. Ahhhha... Next time I'll try to combine those teardrops with Russian leaves...

The first picture displays my finished necklace, which I haven't named yet, and the second one - its close-up. What about name? Any idea?

Disclosure. Being a reviewer of Artbeads.com products and a participant of its blogging program I received all CZ Faceted Teardrops free of charge. This post reflects my honest opinion; and Artbeads.com is not compensating me for my endorsement as it pertains to the products received and reviewed.

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Flex Your Creativity: winners announced!

December started with good news that came from Soft Flex Company, the company announced the winners of the Flex Your Creativity Beading Contest, and my Bridal Flowers Necklace won First Place and Grand Prize. My another piece, Pearl Fireworks Necklace won the Seventh Place. Thanks to all who voted for me! My warmest congratulations to all winners, finalists and participants! WoooooooHooooooooo!!!

Winners List

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SOLD OUT: Elegant White Rose with Pearl Set

Elegant White Rose with Pearl Set
~Made in Korea~
Elegant White Rose with Pearl Earrings
Retail Price: RM23.40Our Price: RM19.80
($5.83 USD)*
Code: B1210019
Elegant White Rose with Pearl Necklace
Retail Price: RM33.80
Our Price: RM28.60 ($8.42 USD)*
Code: B1510028
Elegant White Rose with Pearl SET (10%Discount)Special Price: RM43.60 ($12.84 USD)*
Code: B1210019 & B1510028
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