Meet Nickel!

Nickel just moved in!
He's Minh's parents dog (they have two).
Now that we have an apartment, Minh wants to have Nickel.
We were planning on having both, Nickel & his sister Penny, but his mom wanted to keep a watch dog.

Nickel looks super anorexic! Every since I've known him he just is skinny.
You can see his ribs..I took him to the apartment yesterday and a lady goes, WHAT IS THAT?!
Then I was at Uvillage eating dinner, and a lady goes..OH MY YOU NEED TO GET HIM SOME CLOTHES. (He doesn't like clothes..) I told my friend Marisa...this guy is making me look bad!
So my project is to put some meat on his bones. It seems like he likes chicken a lot.
He barely touches his dog food!

But we have room for one more dog...

That means! I'm going to get another dog when I get back from Michigan.
I've been scoping out the Animal Shelters : )

I will have some new pieces posted tonight, I've had some really pretty ideas.
Will share soon!

Sorry, I didn't get a chance to post pictures of Nickel last night.
I took pictures this morning instead : )

Have a great day everyone!

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